Note to a school from parents: a sample for health reasons and family reasons. Explanatory note to the class teacher, physical education teacher from parents about the reason for skipping lessons: sample

Options for designing a note to school from parents.

Responsibility for the child during his presence in the lessons is borne by the school. Therefore, any facts of his absence should be documented. This is not a whim of the school administration, or the class teacher, such norms exist in almost all European countries. In this article we will tell you how to write a note to school. 

Rules for compiling and an example of a note to school from parents

There are several options for preparing such documents. The only sample does not exist, but there are certain rules of paperwork that need to be adhere to.

Rules for compiling and an example of a note to school from parents:

  • Without fail, a hat is written on top, which indicates who is addressed to this document and from whom. That is, it is necessary to indicate the name, name of the teacher, or administration, that is, the director.
  • The following is indicated from whom, in this paragraph it is necessary to indicate the name, surname, address of the child’s parents and your mobile phone. In the center in the middle, it is necessary to indicate the name of the document itself, it can be an explanatory, explanatory note, statement. Be sure to write a document on a sheet of A4 format, with an indent on the right 1 cm, and on the left 2 cm.
  • Such fields are necessary for hem. After all, documents are collected, and stored for several years in the archive. Speaking from above and below should be one and a half cm.
  • Indicate serious reasons for the absence. According to the norms of such notes, there should be no more than two in a month.
Practice posting application
Practice posting application

Explanatory note to the class teacher: sample

Some educational institutions allow you to write similar papers from parents by hand, on ordinary notebooks. However, according to the rules of office work, it is still necessary to draw up documents on album sheets. In the text, error, vernacular, obscene vocabulary are unacceptable. Try to use short sentences so that a person who reads an explanatory or statement is clear the essence of the foregoing. 

Rules for writing a note to the class teacher:

  • On the right we indicate to whom and from whom, in the center the word "note".
  • Next, we write the text, with the explanation of the situation and the reason for the pass.
  • Below, we indicate the date at the time of compilation, having retreated a little, put the signature.

Explanatory note to the class teacher, sample:

Dear Valentina Igorevna, my daughter, Veronika Bobchenko, 01/12/2020 was absent at school in connection with the general malaise.


Note to school from parents: let go from lessons

Often, statements and notes are compiled in the name of the head of the class. Usually, they are necessary if the student is not absent all day, but for several lessons. This may be due to his delay, and vice versa, the need to leave earlier. In the upper part of the note, it is necessary to indicate the name of the leader, as well as your name and surname. In the body of the document, indicate the period of time when the student will be absent.

Note to school from parents, let go from lessons:

My child, a student of the 3rd class, Shpak Eugene, will be late for school, and will come to the second lesson, at 9:15. In connection with the need to visit the dentist.

I ask you to let my son go after the fourth lesson at 10:40, due to the need to visit sports competitions. I undertake to learn the missed material with my son and take care of his life and health.

Options for the text of the application
Options for the text of the application

Of course, it all depends on the level of trust, and the class of the educational institution. Some teachers are enough for the student’s parents to call and simply warn about the need to let the child earlier. But still, in most schools, checks are conducted from the district,Gorono, as well as sanctions that control attendance. Therefore, most schools require an explanatory, and a statement. 

Application to be released from lessons
Application to be released from lessons

Note to a school from parents to physical education

Due to the receipt of a small injury, parents can write a document to the physical education teacher, with a request to free from physical activity. This is done if the injury is not serious, the child will be recovered very quickly on his own, without the help of a doctor. Usually such a statement is compiled to free the child from a physical education lesson for 1-2 classes. Otherwise, it is necessary to visit the pediatrician, and take exemption from physical education for two or three weeks, depending on the well -being and condition of the child. It is compiled, like all other documents.

Algorithm for compiling a note to physical education:

  • The name indicates the name, surname of the teacher of physical education, below your name, surname, data, along with the phone number.
  • A statement or note is written in the center. The body indicates for what reason your child will be absent in physical education lessons. 

Note to a school from parents to physical education:

I ask you to free from the delivery of standards on December 27, 2020, my son Voronkov Ilya, a student of the 5th class, in connection with the injury of the knee received at the competition on December 25, 2020. 

On Thursday, 11/26/2020, my son, Ivanov Alexey, a student of the 3rd grade, received a knee injury. I ask you to free him from heavy physical exertion.

Sample application for a physical education teacher
Sample application for a physical education teacher

Note from parents to school: Liberation

If the document is compiled the day after the absence, in this case it is called an explanatory or explanatory note. In the first case, it is necessary to indicate that the child will be absent at school at a particular time. It is necessary to indicate the date of absence, time, and the reason. The date of preparation of the document is indicated on the left side,on right Parent painting. 

Rules for drawing up a note to school from parents for liberation:

  • Such documents are usually drawn up in advance, but then they are called the application. With the help of these statements, you warn the administration that your child will be absent on a specific day. It is written at least 1 day before the absence of a child.
  • The document can be printed on a computer, or written by hand. The handwriting should be selective, and at least 12 in the font. Too small letters are not welcome. Corrections, and crossings are not allowed in such documents. 

Most schools from parents equate a medical certificate. Therefore, within 10 days, the child may be absent on the application or explanatory note from parents. If the student does not go to school for more than 10 days, a certificate from the medical institution is required, about the causes of the absence, indicating the disease and the date of stay on the sick leave

Hapis from parents to school, release:

Oleg Alekseevich, I ask you to free my son - Marshak Victor from the surrender of Cross, in connection with a deterioration in the state of health.


In most educational institutions, they still ask to decipher what means “for family circumstances”. It is necessary to specify what family circumstances mean. For example, the need to attend sports competitions, a doctor’s consultation, departure to another city.


Now such documents require less often. This is due to a decrease in paperwork in paper form. In electronic diaries, it became possible to write such letters from parents. Most modern schools have their own website and electronic office, indicating the schedule. Employees of the educational institution can enter their notes there.

Video: Note from parents to school

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