In this article, we will talk about how ammonia is distinguished from ammonia, and we will also find out where these substances are used.
- What is ammonia, ammonia and ammonia: name, formula, composition
- What is the difference between ammonia and ammonia, ammonia: Differences
- How to dilute ammonia to get ammonia: proportions, percentage ratio
- Ammonia, ammonia, ammonia: use in medicine and everyday life
- What is the difference between ammonia nitrum and ammonia?
- Video: ammonia - the best assistant in the country. Super fertilizer
Often, funds from the pharmacy are used for domestic purposes. For example, take ammonia. Its field of use goes far beyond the limits of medicine. This is an excellent tool for use in everyday life, and even for feeding plants in the garden. Many believe that this substance is the same as ammonia. But is it? Let's find out.
What is ammonia, ammonia and ammonia: name, formula, composition
A solution of ammonia has a NH4OH formula. It is liquid and transparent. Its distinctive feature is a strong pungent smell.
In large quantities, the product is not used, because it is dangerous. But a small dose is capable of acting exciting or irritating. The main field of alcohol use is medicine.
It allows you to bring a person to the sense of a person if he fainted. And it is used by surgeons. With it, they process their hands before surgery. Well, the product shows itself for cosmetic purposes.
The ammonia consists of an ammonia solution 10%, but just do not think that this is the same. Ammonia is a different substance and, above all, it is gas.
It becomes liquid at a temperature of -33 degrees. But only this is done not with the help of water, but in a slightly different way. If you just add water to ammonia, then there will be no effect from this.
Methods of obtaining substances are different. Moreover, one is obtained from the other.
What is the difference between ammonia and ammonia, ammonia: Differences
A solution of ammonia, as we have already said, is obtained from ammonia. Although it was created with the aim of using in medicine, in everyday life it also finds wide application. Why is it important to know this?
First of all, ammonia is often sold in concentrated form. It makes an aqueous solution from 25% and higher. In everyday life, it is strictly forbidden to use such a tool, because gas is always contained above the surface of the solution, which is almost two times lighter than air.
When heated, the ammonium hydrate decays. This can lead to the fact that when the container with the substance is opened, the “gas pillow” can break out. Therefore, even with fainting, a person cannot immediately give sniffing the product from the bottle. It is better to moisten the napkin. If you do not adhere to this recommendation, then instead of increasing breathing, it may occur.
Moreover, concentrated ammonia is very caustic. It can damage not only the mucous membranes, but also the skin. Through the last and even household rubber gloves, the solution can seep and poison the body.
Even if you dilute the substance with alcohol yourself, negative consequences may occur. Concentrated solutions contain many dangerous impurities for human health.
The last argument is the difference between the formulas of both substances. Ammonia has a NH3 formula, and ammonia - NH4OH.
How to dilute ammonia to get ammonia: proportions, percentage ratio
As we have already said, it is not recommended to prepare a solution of ammonia. There is still a way to do it. Usually such a tool is used in everyday life to get rid of insects or eliminate unpleasant odors in the kitchen. To do this, you need to mix 1 part of ammonia with 9 parts of water. In percentage, this looks as follows - 10% of alcohol and 90% of the water.
A more complex way is somewhat reminiscent of the preparation of medical alcohol. The difference is only in the number of components.
The substance is prepared from vodka. But only it is not enough just to buy and freeze it. This will not give the desired result, and therefore you will need a moonshine. Of course, after its use, you will get something stronger than vodka, but still not pure alcohol. To obtain it requires distillation of vodka.
You will need this:
- Confectionery yeast
- Simple package
- Glass jar
Everything should be at hand. So, the preparation will be as follows:
- Pour the juice or fruit drink that you cooked in a glass jar
- Add yeast to it. Calculate that 30 g of yeast is added per 1.5 liters of the drink
- Mix the composition well and close the lid
- Place a closed jar on the battery
- Open it every day so that carbon dioxide comes out. If this is not done, then do not be surprised that your bank exploded
- So do it for several days until alcohol is released. The longer you store the jar, the more alcohol releases
- After some time, the mixture will harden and alcohol can be drained
To make sure that you definitely got an ammonia, pour a little liquid into a tablespoon and try to heat from below. She should flare up.
Ammonia, ammonia, ammonia: use in medicine and everyday life
A lot of questions raises the moment how to use a solution of ammonia, or rather - for what purpose can this be done?
So, there are several areas where ammonia is used.
- At home
With the help of ammonia water, spots from any surfaces are effectively removed. For example, you want to remove the spot on your favorite T -shirt. Then add 2 tablespoons of ammonia to a glass of water and pour the spot for a couple of minutes. After that, you can rinse the thing. If you are afraid that the smell will remain, then in vain, because the smell after ammonia does not remain.
By the way, cockroaches are very afraid of this tool. When you wash the floor, add a little ammonia to a bucket of water. 1 teaspoon is added to 1 liter. The pungent smell of cockroaches really does not like and they leave. The procedure is recommended to do every week even for prevention. I don't like ammonia and mosquitoes with midges. It is enough to spray the solution around you and insects will not even approach.
It also helps to clean plumbing, silver or gold products. It is necessary to mix water, tooth powder and ammonia. The ratio will be 5: 2: 1. After that, take a soft gauze and moisten with a solution. Wipe the desired item and rinse it well with water.
- For indoor plants
Indoor plants are important oxygen and nutrition. The ammonia copes with both tasks perfectly, and he also protects flowers from pests. Dilute a large spoonful of the product in three liters of water and you will get an excellent top dressing. Just water the flowers with such water and they will grow actively with you.
If you have problems with aphids, then take the flowers onto the balcony and spray. The solution is also prepared from three liters of water, but three tablespoons of ammonia and two drops of shampoo are already added to it.
- In the garden
For giving ammonia is also indispensable. The preventive treatment of trees, shrubs and berries is carried out with it. Top dressing is prepared from 4 liters of water and 50 ml of solution. You can water plants in this way until the end of June from the landing itself. Such a solution scares off pests.
- From acne
Ammonia copes with acne on oily skin perfectly. It is used for washing. The solution is very simple - half a teaspoon per glass of warm water. Moreover, you can separately wipe the problem areas with a cotton swab.
- In medicine
As you know, ammonia is used to bring a person to life after fainting. At the same time, he removes acne well, helps with poisoning, and from insect bites. Even from joint pain and a hangover, this alcohol can help. Of course, its scope of use is much wider and there are many other diseases that helps treat this tool.
In cosmetology, the solution is also widely used. If it is mixed with glycerin, you will get an ideal remedy for dry skin of the legs and arms. The lotion eliminates cracks and softens the skin. Another ammonia affects the hair, if you use it as a rinseum. To do this, dissolve a teaspoon of alcohol in a glass of warm water.
What is the difference between ammonia nitrum and ammonia?
Many are interested in how the solution of ammonia differs from ammonium nitrum? In fact, the last substance was created specifically for agriculture. If you do not go into details, then this is a special fertilizer.
It not only performs the role of ammonia, but also strengthens the health of plants. That is, protects them from diseases. The substance works even on frozen land. It is enough for him to get into the ground. Fertilizer for alkaline soil is ideal.
Video: ammonia - the best assistant in the country. Super fertilizer
what kind of nonsense? Get alcohol on a battery in a bank? Even the moonshine will not work ...
There is no clarity in the article, confusion and understatement.