She canceled the order for Wildberris - when the money is returned: methods and deadlines for a refund

In this article, we will figure out how to return the money to Weildberris and in what ways it can be done.

Wildberry It is a large and quite popular Russian online store. Thousands of people make purchases daily. In some cases, people need to return funds, for example, when they simply changed their minds to make an order. In any case, regardless of the reason, it is important to know how to return your money correctly. That's just with this issue we will deal with our article.

How to return money with Weildberris: step -by -step instructions

When placing an order, the personal account is first replenished, and therefore the question of how to return the money with Wildberry, will be decided just depending on what you plan to do with these means.

So, they can be left in the office and do not do anything with them, and during the next order you can spend. If you want to withdraw them, then make a return to the account from which payment was made.

So, the return of funds is carried out in the following way:

  • First, open your personal account and go to the section "Balance"
  • Next, find the button on the screen "Return money" and click on it
Return the money
  • The next thing to do is choose where the funds will be returned. By the way, the return can be made incomplete. You can write any amount convenient for you
  • Press the button "Make a request":
  • Funds are usually transferred in 10 minutes. When the operation is completed, then in "History of operations" The corresponding entry will be reflected
Operations history

We dismantled the method when funds are returned to the bank card account. However, there are some features of the return.

How to return the money with Weildberris after payment by a bank card?

Many are interested in the question of how to return money with Wildberry After payment by card? In fact, when a person returns the goods for which he paid via the Internet, the funds are transferred to the account from which the transfer was carried out. That is, some new account is not required.

The transfer is carried out quickly enough. Usually, for 10 minutes, funds are already transferred to the account, and in the personal account in the section with the balance sheet, the corresponding operation is shown. However, here we must take into account the bank in which the card is open. So, on the map itself, the funds are within 1-5 business days.

How to return the money with Weildberris from the personal account?

Another no less important question is how to return the money with Wildberry From the personal account? In this case, the money is inside the system and shown on the balance sheet. At the same time, they can be used to pay for a new order. If required, then you can issue a return to the card through the section "Balance". At the same time, if you returned the goods and paid for it from the current balance, then the funds will be displayed immediately on it.

At the same time, buyers sometimes note that money is returning to a card with some difficulties. Sometimes people indicate completely different cards, not even their own. In this case, such a return cannot be made, because then you will need to additionally conclude agreements.

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