Wiping with vodka at temperatures, colds, cough in the child: indications, contraindications, proportions of dilution, important rules, instructions

There is a long -known folk method for knocking down temperature, treating colds and coughing - wiping with vodka. Despite the fact that this method is considered one of the most effective and has been practiced since ancient times, there are still its contraindications and some dangers in its use.

Wiping with vodka is one of the simplest, and at the same time effective methods for knocking down temperature. Rubbing helps to improve blood flow, and when moisture is evaporated and body temperature decreases. But moisture does not allow the temperature to decrease below the permissible level, unlike drugs, so the method is considered one of the safest methods.

Wiping with vodka to reduce temperature in a child: Rules, indications

Wiping vodka is a truly ancient method that works very effectively. But still it should be used wisely as an emergency.

  1. When the temperature does not drop below 38.5 ° C,or it comes to extremely high limits. In general, it, below this limit, is inappropriate to bring down, since the body's defenses fall
  2. At the same time, tablets do not help or they are simply absent
  3. You have no way to go to the hospital, Call an urgent doctor or ambulance. Yes, the situations are different, but in this case, knowledge is power
  4. As an emergency, when you need to urgently and quickly knock down a very high temperature.

Important: we still strongly do not recommend wiping with vodka to children on a constantly basis. This is a rather dangerous method, since alcohol molecules partially enter the blood and body of the baby. But sometimes this is the only method that helps to bring down a very high temperature without injections and taking strong drugs that can be powerless, or simply absent.

Wiping with vodka to reduce temperature in a child: proportions, instructions

Traditionally, vodka wiping is prepared In the proportion of 1: 1 with water. It can be replaced with alcohol, but then a portion of water increases by 2 times. To make the liquid warm, it costs in advance Heat a plate or use warm water.Alcohol quickly evaporates on the body, and the temperature drops very quickly.

The procedure itself occurs in this way:

  1. The child must be undressed. If the patient has chills, then it is worth wiping the body partially, temporarily taking off clothes. In this case, he should lie on his back
  2. Dip the cotton napkin or gauze in the prepared solution and compress well
  3. Make 1-2 light movements, a wet cloth in the right direction, stroking the skin of the child. In no case do not triple before the appearance of redness
  4. You need to start with your hands, gradually rising to your chest, towards your heart
  5. But it is worth going around the places next to the heart and the inguinal zone
  6. Next, go down to your tummy and to your feet
  7. After turn the baby on the stomach. Wipe your back, passing in circular movements in the area of \u200b\u200bthe shoulder blades, go down to your feet. It is also recommended to massage the heels in combination with wiping vodka.

Important: remember the number 3! It is impossible to wipe with vodka more than 3 times a day, in general, such a manipulation is carried out for more than 3 days. And do not triple in one place more than 3 times.

Start in hands
Start with your hands

Also, one of the most effective methods for reducing the body is considered wiping with vodka, vinegar and water

  • The body temperature drops in numerical minutes thanks to such components. To make the solution you need to take the ingredients in a ratio of 1: 1: 1.We do not cook too much - we always make a reserve at a time. Because the Alcohol molecules disappear very quickly and lose their effectiveness!
  • The algorithm itself is exactly the same - Start with your hands, moving to the body, and then go down from the back. In addition to wiping the body, you can make a compress. You just have to get wet the napkin in the solution and Put the child on the head.
  • Also, pay special attention to the bending place - this The elbows, palms, behind the knees, neck, especially behind the ears. It is in these places that the solution penetrates the fastest.
You can put a compress
You can put a compress

Wiping with vodka: important rules

  • It is worth remembering that the above methods should only be used if the baby has heat: He has a hot body. At the same time, you need to use the method of wiping vodka in a warm room and only with a warm solution! T.K. The cold mixture is poorly evaporated by the body.

Important: a cold solution can also cause a reduction in blood vessels on the surface of the skin, which in turn to complicate the heat transfer.

  • Sometimes, at high body temperature, the arms and legs can be cold, which means that the child has a spasm of the perferic vessels and you need to give a remedy that relieves spasm, for example, No-ShPU. In this case, grinding in this case is carried out only by bodies, but not the arms and legs.
  • With influenza and inflammation of the lungs, there may be the same reaction, Therefore, in the case of raising the temperature, it is better to warm the baby. This will improve heat transfer. The baby should be laid and wrapped in a warm blanket, and after the cheeks are prayed, you can proceed to cooling methods.
  • To enhance the effect, you can use the hairdryer.But turn on the warm, not hot mode. 1 minute is enough. This will accelerate the process of alcohol. Can be replaced with a fan.
  • After this, the child should be worn. Since that warming effect will be lost. And remember an important folk proverb - “Keep your legs warm”! Therefore, noses are necessarily dressed on the feet.
  • Cover the child with a blanket. We recall the second important rule from our grandmothers - then all harmful substances from the body will come out, but still you should not wrap the child into several layers for the best effect. The effect will help to enhance the effect with abundantly warm drink. On the forehead you can put vinegar compress.
  • But keep in mind that if the temperature was asleep and The child's clothes became wet - immediately take it off!Wet things destructively affect the weak organism.
  • Provide bed rest.

Wiping with vodka with colds and coughing

Rubbing with vodka during coughing is considered a very popular and proven way. Thanks to the warming effect, blood circulation improves, which accelerates the recovery process. Therefore, at the first cold symptoms, it is recommended to use wiping with vodka.

  • Vodka helps to soften and facilitate coughing.Therefore, it can be safely used Even with dry cough.The principle itself is similar to the waterflow of temperature. But you can enhance the effect with additional components.
  • We take another natural doctor into service - honey:
    • mixing proportions 1: 1, but do not take more than 1 tsp.
    • linden honey is best suited - it is extremely useful, and through the skin it will give the desired elements
    • the mixture must be heated in a water bath
    • in order not to stain everything around and enhance the influence, you can wrap your chest and back with cling film
    • time should not exceed 10 and 15 minutes for children under 10 and 14 years old, respectively
  • Extremely useful for combating sputum with coughing is fat. Ideally take:
    • inner pork product with prolonged cough
    • goose fat, which is fighting even with the most thick sputum
    • extremely effective ram of fat
    • bear product
  • To do this, take 2 tbsp. l. vodka and pour it into 50 g melted in a water bath of fat. In no case do not grab it directly on the stove in the container.

To wiping vodka quickly helped, you should adhere to some rules

  • Should be rubbed overnight
  • Apply the solution with intense massaging movements clockwise from top to bottom
  • It is worth bypassing the site near the heart and nipples. Apply the product only on your back and chest
  • After the procedure, you need to wrap the child in a warm blanket, and put woolen socks on your feet
  • Do not rub the child in the heat

Important: However, despite all the advantages of this method of traditional medicine, wiping is an auxiliary tool for the treatment of colds and coughing, but not the main one. Also, not everyone is suitable. Therefore, before starting treatment with alcohol -containing mixtures and solutions, it is advisable to consult a pediatrician. Do not neglect your doctoral counseling.

What contraindications or restrictions have wiping with vodka?

Basically, doctors diverge - whether to use an alcoholic drink for rubbing or not. Some consider it the best way to reduce body temperature, while others say that this is a barbaric way. Explaining this by the fact that vodka is absorbed into the blood through the skin and alcoholic poisoning can occur.

Important: therefore, many experts strongly recommend not using various folk wraps, which include alcohol up to 3 years. And ideally - up to 7, since small children are often pungent smell, which remains even in diluted form, causes hostility and even the minimum dose of alcohol, falling through the skin, will harm the body. Until this age, it is worth costing only water.

Also, contraindications to the use of this method are considered the following cases:

  • The presence of wounds on the skin, irritation. Alcohol can cause severe pain, moreover, it will contribute to a violation of the healing process;
  • You should bypass the area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, where there are many moles, especially convex. This brings discomfort to the patient, and in case of violation of the integrity of the mole, unpleasant consequences may occur. And even more - this can cause degeneration into a malignant tumor;
  • In diseases of the cardiovascular system. In this case, it is undesirable to increase blood circulation rate, to which wiping with alcohol or vodka leads to;
  • In the presence of tumor formations It is strictly forbidden to warm up, because This can cause relapse;
  • With allergies to any components;
  • In diseases such as: bronchitis, otitis media, purulent tonsillitis, hypertension.

Video: how to knock down a child temperature without medication - wiping with vodka or vinegar

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