Where can I go after grade 9 to a guy: a list and description of professions, paid and free training

Having finished 9 classes, many guys think, learn another 2 years in the usual school team or to quickly feel independent, entering a specialty that will give a profession and the opportunity to work, and to earn money yourself in 3-4 years?

To help in solving this dilemma, we have prepared the following information for you, where you can go after grade 9 to a guy.

Where to go after grade 9 to a guy?

After the 9th grade, he has not been established in the idea that further study at a school for a guy is not of interest, he should consider the following opportunities for admission:

  • College, as we now call those educational institutions that were called technical schools or vocational schools in the Soviet past. The training here on average lasts four years, and students, in addition to general educational knowledge, master the skills and skills that they will need in the work in the chosen specialty. Graduates are issued a diploma of secondary vocational education, and then the guy himself already decides whether to continue his studies by entering a university, or to start an independent working life. By the way, if college works directly at the university, The graduate, in order to become a freshman of the university, needs to pass only an internal exam, but passing the exam is no longer necessary. You can enter the college after grade 9 both on the budget and the contract, with the receipt of the scholarship, depending on the chosen specialty.
  • Lyceumworking with a particular university. Probably the most convenient option for those guys who already represent what specialty would like to master, but are not sure that he can do. Studying at the Lyceum in this case will make it possible to properly prepare for future studies at the university, since the training program is different from the school educational and is built on the principle of slope in a particular subject. A graduate of the lyceum will also receive a diploma of secondary special education.
  • Coursesthat are held by various universities, private companies or education centers. This is the fastest way to get a document (as a rule, this is a certificate), which gives the right to work in a particular specialty. Most often, driver’s courses can be organized, listeners who want to work as a hairdresser or, for example, a computer set operator. The duration of such courses is from several weeks to months. It is best if the certificate received at the end of the courses is a state model.
After grade 9, a guy can choose a direction for himself for himself and enter the appropriate educational institution

Where to go after grade 9 to a guy: TOP-10 of the best educational institutions in Moscow

Your attention is offered a rating of the most popular colleges in Moscow, where a guy can enter after grade 9 and get the most diverse education:

  • College of Architecture and Construction No. 7 (31 Usievich St.).
  • College of Entrepreneurship No. 11 (Onezhskaya St., 3).
  • Technical fire and rescue college named after Hero of the Russian Federation V.M. Maksimchuk (Svetly passage, 2a).
  • The Moscow State Educational Complex (Vishneva St., 5; Stratonautov Ave., 15; Lodnyaya St., 7).
  • Moscow College of Architecture and Urban Planning (Anadyr passage, 79, structure 1.2).
  • Polytechnic College named after N.N. GODOVIKOV (St. Zoe and Alexander Kosmodemyanski, 19).
  • College of communication No. 54 named after P.M. Vostrukhina (St. Big Pammits, 7).
  • Educational complex South-West (Dmitry Ulyanov St., 26).
  • Moscow Polytechnic University, Faculty of Premier Training (38 Bolshaya Semenovskaya St.).
  • Moscow College of Management, Hotel Business and Information Technologies "Tsaritsyno" (Shipilovsky passage, 37; General Belov, 4, 6).

Who should the guy go to after the 9th grade?

There are many specialties that a graduate of grade 9 can master. The higher the average score of the certificate, the more chances to be enrolled in the educational institution of interest, because It is on the basis of the average point that competitive selection is carried out.

As practice shows, the most popular professions in the labor market today include such industries:

  1. Working specialties, Such as a locksmith or a turner, a welder or a milling holder, a carpenter or an electrician, have always been and will be in demand. Moreover, such work is quite well paid, and the more experience the master has, the higher his qualifications, the more rewards for labor for labor he can count on. In addition, having a working specialty in the arsenal, nothing prevents the continuation of education at the university.
  2. One of the most popular and in demand for "male" professions - driver. This can be attributed not only to drivers, but also by tractor drivers, crane operators, machine operators, drivers of road equipment, truckers. The fact that the driver’s license always give their owner an advantage over others, and speak unnecessary. And if you take into account that these are the rights of “professional”, it is clear that the leaders with diplomas of specialized educational institutions are in vice. And again, there is always a prospect of continuing education.
  3. The profession is always relevant builder. And not only the mason or sling, but also associated with geological or geodetic surveys, architecture, land management. Construction is underway at all times, and, consequently, construction specialties are always in demand.
  4. IT technologiesProbably the most popular among young people. The secondary special educational institution will make it possible to master the professions related to programming, web design, and such specialties give a chance to employ a job, because the field of information technology is relevant today in any industry.
  5. A sports boy after grade 9 can act and master the profession coach or teacher of physical education. Having demonstrated good general physical training during a special exam, the guy after the ninth grade has every chance of a sports college student.
  6. Become lawyer Today it means to get a chance for a good job. Thus, legal colleges offer training in the field of civil, criminal, administrative law, which makes it possible to work as an assistant lawyer or lawyer, in the legal departments of private or state organizations. And, of course, you can always improve your level of qualifications by continuing training at the university.
  7. If the schoolboy in the future is not averse to getting an engineering education, then after grade 9, the guy can enter the college that teaches students in the field instrumentation, radio engineering, energy of automation, mechanical engineering. However, you can already work in the specialty on the basis of special secondary education.
  8. Professions related to law enforcement agencies are mainly the "male" field of activity. In the relevant colleges and schools, you can get a profession military or pilot, rescuer or fireman. Suitable for strong, sports guys.
  9. The medicine - Not only for girls. Many men work in masseurs, paramedics, pharmacists, nips. The medical college will provide such an opportunity after three years of study, in addition, during this time you can prepare the basis for continuing training already in a higher educational institution.
  10. Professions related to creativity are also chosen not only by girls, but also by guys. Musicians and artists, graphic designers and photographers, choreographers and animators, jewelers And representatives of many other creative professions are prepared by appropriate colleges and schools.
  11. Secondary special educational institutions giving professions in the field of a chemical and biological direction are released technologistsworking in food industries.
  12. Agricultural direction - agronomy, vegetable growing, livestock, fish farming, farming... Today, these professions again return their former popularity and their representatives are always in demand, especially if the guy lives in the agricultural region.
  13. The culinary industry also ceases to be the priority of women. More well -known chefs - It is men, and profile educational institutions that give the professions of cooks, bakers, and confectioners will help to achieve their level.
  14. Specialties related to the economic direction can learn after the 9th grade those youths who think about professions manager, accountant, bank employee, auditor. And after studying at the Economic College, you can not only find a good job, but also facilitate your entering a university.
  15. The service sector is also widely represented in specialized colleges. The young man can get a specialty hotel manager, restaurant, railway conductor or flight attendant. Colleges will also help those who are interested in working in the tourism business or in the beauty industry: guys have been increasingly becoming successful recently makeup artists or hairdressers.
A guy can enter both workers and creative specialties, as well as become a manager or employee providing services

This list is not complete, but it is also wide enough to make a choice. The main thing is to understand with which profession I want to connect my life and finish nine classes so that the average score of the school certificate makes it possible to enter the budget department. And now - a detailed list of professions and their description for admission to guys after grade 9.

Where to go after grade 9 to a guy: profession

EMERCOM employee, rescuer

  • Refers to the demanded and highly paid. The duties of rescuers include helping people who are in an emergency in the natural disaster zone, etc. Moreover, the scope of their activity is fire and water (fires and floods), disasters on any type of transport, salvation on the waters, from rubble, from captivity of terrorists, etc.
  • The life of the rescuer combines the skills of driving, extinguishing fires, and medical care. Therefore, they need an excellent physical form, courage and courage, efficiency and balance, responsibility and attention.
  • You can get the education of the rescuer at courseswho work with the relevant authorities, in specialized schools. For receipt, first of all, good physical training is required, and already during his studies the guy will receive driving skills, master first aid techniques, extinguishing fires, etc.

Auto Mechanic

  • Work in a car service requires thorough knowledge of the car, because auto mechanic needs to both conduct planned maintenance of the car and repair it in the event of a breakdown of some part, restore it after the accident. The larger the service center, the more specializations of its employees, but in small car services, auto mechanic combines skills auto-launch, Malyara, auto electrician, diagnostic mechanics, motor skills, reinforcement.
  • For work in this specialty, thoughtfulness, attentiveness, painstaking, the ability to communicate with the client are simply necessary. The most necessary professional quality, in addition to the mandatory knowledge of the device of the machine and its nodes, is the ability to find a malfunction and eliminate it, using the most modern diagnostic and instrumentation.
  • You can become a car mechanic by graduating from the corresponding vocational school, and later improve your knowledge and skills at auto -mechanical faculties in technical universities.
Savior of cars

Electric train driver

  • This is a purely male profession associated with driving trains on the railway and in the subway. Therefore, it is not surprising that with such a significant tension and the need for a complete concentration of attention, the main criterion when selecting this specialty becomes good health. And it is necessary to confirm your good health before each flight. The main attention is paid to vision, since the work of the driver is associated with an extreme load on the eyes, and the speed of the reaction.
  • Machinists of both the metro and railway trains are often forced to work in a stressed schedule, so they have everything provided for them social benefits - Long vacation, the help of a psychologist, if necessary, the possibility of relaxing in a sanatorium institution for a free ticket, retirement at the age of 55 years. In order to fight overwork, a special set of exercises that restore strength and energy has been developed for them.
  • Representatives of this profession are required to know the technical construction of the composition, so that in the event of an unforeseen situation it is possible to determine the cause of the problem. You can learn all the necessary skills in educational and production centers opened in the railway and the subway.


  • This profession, born in the United States, involves the preparation of drinks (and, not only alcohol) right in front of the visitor. Therefore, the bartender needs to know not only the names, but also the recipe, the technology of preparation and design of all the drinks that are presented in this institution.
  • Charisma and charm - With these qualities, a person who claims to be a bartender must have mandatory. It is practically those who create a universal mood among visitors, which is why the sociability, cheerfulness, friendliness in his behavior are so important. And, of course, the professional skill with which the bartenders juggle dishes.
  • The main time of the bartender is night. The work is usually standing, therefore, it is not recommended for guys who have problems with veins, blood clots, etc. You can act after grade 9 and learn professions in secondary special educational institutions, at faculties associated with the service sector, as well as in courses that are most often paid, but take only a few months.

The organizer of the holidays

  • This is a fairly wide area of \u200b\u200bresponsibilities, since there are many holidays, celebrations, rites, and each of them has its own characteristics. If a corporate event is planned, its organizer must agree with the customer all points, subtleties, from the topic of sounding toasts and health care, until the time of presenting each gift or announcing a musical number. It is necessary not only to periodically “resemble” regular customers about themselves, but also to constantly stay in the process of searching for new ones.
  • The organizer of the holiday should be able to convince the client that the concept of the celebration he proposed is optimal, for which he needs the skills of creating colorful computer presentations. Creation of scenarios, selection of participants, choosing a venue, individual zones, compilation of estimates - and all this applies to holidays for both adults and children!
  • Therefore, in addition to studying, the organizer of the holidays can not do without talent to work with people and good preliminary training, which consists in studying the experience of those who have been working in this industry for a long time. If the young man is convinced that the profession of the organizer of the holidays is his calling, then he can safely enter the college or school, which presents the direction of cultural work.
  • The second way is to finish the relevant courses, during which the main part of the training is practical. Similar courses can also be a start to similar specialties of toastmaster, wedding presenter, etc.


  • The field of activity of agents is extremely wide, but uniting all areas of the necessary component is the ability to communicate with people. And not just to say the memorized text, but to be able to convince a person of the need for a product or service, without being intrusive.
  • Agents today work in the insurance business, convincing customers to insure life, health, property, etc. Commercial and trade agents carry out transactions: the first - related to real estate, rarity; The second are widespread goods. Both of them are essentially intermediaries who determine the commercial success of the company they represent.
  • Advertising agents, real estate agents or travel agents - All of them are simply obliged to have a fairly wide range of knowledge in the industry they have chosen, to have competent speech, to be pleasant in communication, which has a friendly one. Another necessary quality is good health, because often the agent spends the whole working day on travel, transitions, in a word, in constant movement.
  • Agents of all directions are prepared on the basis of 9 classes in technical schools and colleges, and you can always develop your qualifications, develop the acquired skills in training or during the courses held at the agencies themselves.


  • The profession of a driver (or a driver) primarily involves the presence of such personal qualities as attentiveness, caution, patience, the ability to instantly respond to the situation. Of the technical and professional skills, a person who leads at a wheel for several hours a day needs the experience of driving, knowledge of the rules of the road and all current changes in them.
  • The driver is a person who is constantly being improved, because skill comes with practice, years, experience. And with all the saturation of the work of a professional driver (many new places, dating), she is extremely responsible, since the driver is responsible not only for himself, but also for the lives of his passengers. Yes, and there are no need to talk about a normalized working day - especially for truckers or personal drivers of large bosses.
  • To become a professional driver, you need to study at a driving school or a specialized technical school, where the guys will be given the opportunity to master both the theoretical base (knowledge of the device of the machine, road rules, etc.), and get practical driving skills.
There are a lot of work for drivers


One of the most prestigious, highly paid and demanded professions of our time.

  • The design is developing in a variety of directions: graphic (work with fonts, the development of logos, their color scheme and many others), landscape, associated with the design of space using wildlife, interior, aimed at decorating premises, architectural, more aimed at the purpose of the planning Space, like architecture directly.
  • The designer should be a real master: drawing, compositional solution, theoretical knowledge (Fundamentals of painting, genres and types of graphics), the ability to work with photo materials, the indispensable presence of artistic taste, the ability to design, botanical knowledge, understanding of layout and textile design - all this and much more are mandatory qualities of a real designer.
  • It should be understood that it will be necessary to spend a lot of time at the computer, be able to make estimates, produce technical calculations. In a word, the profession of a designer is creative and at the same time in many ways technical. And you can master it at the relevant faculties of colleges and technical schools. In the future, it is better to continue education at the university - this will contribute to the career growth of the young man.


  • Sailors are called everyone who serves on vessels or ships. If they go on a long flight, we are talking about long -range sailors, but also those who serve in coastal waters carry out river shipping, are also sailors.
  • Before deciding to become a sailor, the young man must realize whether he is ready to carry pitching, if necessary, withstand the storms and other elements, and sometimes the attacks of the pirates. Will it be able to stay away from the family for many months, is it confident in the stamina of his character.
  • In addition, it should be remembered that only physical strong and healthy guys go on swimming, and when the forces begin to bring down, you will have to think about the land profession. When entering the "sailor", the guys should immediately realize what kind of swimming they like. For example, if the young man is not strong in foreign languages, then working on foreign ships is unlikely to be dreamed of. Sawing courses Designed for a year, after that graduates become sailors. In order to become an officer, education will need to be continued at the university.
  • It should be added that training in seafarer educational institutions, as a rule, is paid.


  • This is a very responsible profession, because the quality of the welder’s work affects how stable and durable the design will be. This applies to work as gas welder, so electric welderincluding an automatic and semi -automatic machinery specialist.
  • Volumetric knowledge about how the unit is arranged with which he needs to work, by what principles he operates, help the welder to carry out a high -quality seam, while observing all safety rules that are especially important in this profession.
  • Welders are always needed everywhere, so a young man may not worry about employment - he will always be able to earn on a piece of bread, both in state and private production. But at the same time, one should remember the hardships of the profession: a constant load on vision, the need to work in any weather, the constant impact of radiation and heat.
  • Having studied after grade 9 3 years at a vocational school, the guy will acquire the necessary qualifications and become a full -fledged specialist in the labor market.


  • Locksmiths, like welders, are always and everywhere. For example, instrumentalists are engaged in the manufacture of various metal tools, mechanic locksmiths - collect a single mechanism from separate parts, those who are engaged in the repair of rolling stock, work in tram, trolleybus, railway depots, replacing faulty details and experiencing a renovated node.
  • There are also metal structures assembly locksmiths, repairmen, electricianscarrying out the repair of units of various electrical equipment. All these varieties of the profession, requiring attention, responsible attitude, understanding of the task and many knowledge, can be obtained in schools and technical schools after the end of the ninth grade. Graduates are assigned a discharge that will become a start for their further professional growth.


  • The profession is associated with driving tractors of any kind. Today, the tractors are practically “filled” with electronics, so becoming a tractor driver is both easy and difficult at the same time. Easy - because all operations are programmed and performed automatically, it is difficult - this is how you need to understand which program should work at the moment.
  • The presence of a driver’s license of the corresponding category, good health, responsibility, knowledge of mechanisms and equipment - Here are the main qualities necessary for the tractor driver.
  • And if the guy has no vision or heart disease, he can enter after 9, submitting documents to a professional school or college of agricultural direction.
  • Training in a tractor driver is most often carried out on a budgetary basis, in his course, in addition to theoretical classes, a mandatory practical program.
Work for strong men


  • Most often paramedics we meet in the composition ambulance brigadesbut they work in military sanitary units, at stations and in ports, in a sparsely populated area, where hospitals are located only in the district center, and only a paramedic point in the village or village.
  • Feldsher - essentially a rural doctor who has knowledge anatomy and physiology, to the necessary extent - and pharmacology. His sphere of activity includes the provision of qualified pre -medical assistance.
  • These are mainly injections, dressings, but, as practice shows, paramedics have to take birth, remove their teeth, apply tires, make diagnoses. Therefore, his work is always tense and responsible, because he, like the doctor, is responsible for the quality of the assistance provided.
  • You can get the profession of a paramedic at a medical college for a guy after 9 classes.

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