Conspiracy, prayers for good trade, a conspiracy for profit - how to read at the workplace?

A complete overview of conspiracies and prayers for good trade and profit.

Since ancient times, some merchants and merchants have been unprecedented success, and any goods sold any product as soon as possible. Others, on the contrary, sold one product with difficulty and quickly threw this occupation. As wise by experience, it is all about the right conspiracy or sincere prayer. It is worthwhile to understand that conspiracies are a pagan cult, and it will help those who believe in the power of the surrounding world. And prayers are a Christian path to the Almighty, and they help only in cases where there is a sincere faith.

Good trade conspiracy

So, let's start with a strong conspiracy to good trade, which has been successfully working for many centuries. He needs preparation.

Thursday became “clean”, “cleansed” long before the arrival of Christianity to our lands. And on this day the ingredients were harvested to help people in life and life. For a trading conspiracy, a “workpiece” from Thursday was also needed. Namely, a pood of salt (16 kg) or a quantity proportional to it, for example 1/16 pounds of salt - 1 kg, but not 900 g or 1200 g. You need to buy it in the bazaar, having previously broken out (even if the price is standard, the trade spirits must be pleased). To bring home, or to the warehouse where the goods are stored, and use it by chips for a year, or does not end yet. After that, the supply can be updated.

Pour salt on a plate and whisper into it, so that a stream of air with a conspiracy is in contact with salt, but salt should not fly away.

“Both on foot and driving, come here, here you have a place, food and water. I have money, you have a product. Amen ".

After that, pour the salt into the container and clog. In the morning you have to come to a trading place before everyone else (you should not see you). Lay out the goods, become your back to it and throw the salt through your left shoulder with your right hand, repeating the conspiracy in the mind.

Remember that this is how you urge the spirits of trade, which are in invisible threads to pull your buyers to you. But the perfumes are capricious - you must concede if you are trading with you, even slightly, always be polite and strive to sell the right product to the buyer so that it remains satisfied. Offend the client - and the perfumes will leave you, how much do not call you later.

Video: A powerful conspiracy for good trade

Conspiracy for good trade with a scarf

So, the second conspiracy for good trade with a scarf and water. On Thursday, go to the market and choose a scarf. Which? Intuition will tell you, he must crash into memory. Take a bargain with the seller, but give me more than they bargained.

At home in a basin, take water and read over it:

“You can’t count the stars, you can’t knead the arable plow, my word cannot be removed from me. I am a merchant, my crown is with me. As the bees fly on honey, so everyone looks at my product, they want to pick up. Amen ".

After that, it is necessary to wash with water three times, and rubbed with a scarf. The scarf will dry out - put in a bag, pocket, etc., so that during trade it is with you.

Conspiracy for good trade with a scarf
Conspiracy for good trade with a scarf

Prayer for good trade: video

For Christians, it is acceptable to call their God, and ask for help in honest and hard work - trade. Do not forget that it is forbidden to deceive, cunning, and it is necessary to honestly fulfill transactions so as not to predict the Almighty.

Video: Prayer to Seraphim to the Sarov miracle worker for help in all matters. Strong Orthodox prayers

Video: Prayer for trade and assistance in affairs Nikolai Wonderworker

Video: Prayer to the Holy Great Martyr John Sochavsky for success in trade

Video: Prayer to attract customers and good trade in Abraham to the Bulgarian miracle worker

Video: For success in work, trade, business. Prayer to the Monk Joseph Volotsky

Video: On success in trade, business. Akathist to the holy great martyr John the New, Sochavsky

Profit plot

Previous recommendations were suitable for those who are personally present at the trade object, and trade takes place on the market or in the store. But what if trade goes through mediation, transactions or on the Internet? Profit conspiracies are one of the varieties of conspiracies for good trade.

In order to make a conspiracy for profit - we need money with coins. We follow the nearest reservoir with the course. We are in front of the current that the water flows “behind your back” and read the conspiracy:

“Let the ringing water flows and runs, but the wind is swiftly blowing and blows, but only it does not run past me. Let my profit, does not flow past and does not pass. Let the river murmure like a river, the profit in the wallet rustles. ”

After that, you need to hide the coins in the wallet, close and do not show anyone. Thus, the profit will accumulate, and the business will develop.

Conspiracy of profit by water
Conspiracy of profit by water

Good trade conspiracy: how to read at the workplace?

There are many conspiracies for good trade that is recommended to read directly at the workplace:

  • We put the largest bill from the last evening transaction and leave it with the goods at night. In the morning, we take the bill after laying out the goods and putting the workplace in order and, touching it, we drive on the goods, saying: “As you came in the evening, and in the morning, day and in the evening come. Like bees on flowers, fly into my product, but rather disassemble ”;
  • Come to the workplace, when the sun only rises on the horizon, put your hands on the goods and, closing your eyes, imagine a luxurious tree of life. And at the tree of girls. And ask them for good luck, success and attracting customers: “Miliated by eternity, reassured by the Universe, let me give me good luck in trade and profit for today. Yes, give wisdom to please everyone, and good luck to attract many. I will serve people, and to make a profit for myself ”;
  • Take the coin, and lay out the window at night, saying that with a growing moon - “How the Moon grows, my profit grows like the moon grows, they rush to me so much.” Come to work and stroke the coin to the most unable goods, and when they come for it, you generously yield.

Good trade conspiracy: reviews

Irina: I opened an end to the market, prompting a chic Turkish textile at the best prices. The first month, trade went out of hand, and even the shares did not attract customers. I tried a conspiracy for salt and a scarf - and a miracle! It is important to do with an open heart and want to work, and not just get into cash in.

Maryana: I wake up and fall asleep with a prayer in my heart. I got a job as a seller in the place of a girl who was fired for bad indicators. Every morning, while rubbing the counter and corrected the goods, read prayers to her beloved saints. Today I was raised to the senior seller, saying that the store went to a new level, and they gave me two more assistants!

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