When can I donate blood after taking alcohol?

We pass a blood test after drinking alcohol: terms, tips, recommendations.

In this article we will talk about a very important topic - when you can donate blood after taking alcohol. How quickly alcohol comes out of blood and urine, as well as other nuances of combining alcohol and testing.

What time does alcohol remain in the blood after taking?

Before touching the question, when you can donate blood after taking alcohol, you should understand how much alcohol remains in the blood.

So, we’ll make a reservation right away - there is no exact answer, since the release of alcohol depends on several factors:

  • Type of alcohol taken;
  • Drink quality;
  • The amount of alcohol drunk;
  • Human age;
  • The presence of chronic diseases of the internal organs of a person;
  • The general condition of the body.

But there are indicative terms, earlier than which it is believed that alcohol in the body remains.

The weight of men and women in kg. The volume of alcohol consumed in grams/ time in watches 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100
Cognac 42% of the fortress 100 6.05 5.13 4.30 4.00 3.30
500 30.30 26.00 23.00 20.00 18.15
Vodka 40% of the fortress 100 5.40 5.00 4.20 3.50 3.30
500 29.00 22.00 13.00 11.30 17.30
Wine 15-20% of the fortress 100 2.30 2.15 2.00 1.45 1.30
500 13 6.45 9.45 5.15 7.50
Champagne and sparkling wines 9-11% 100 1.30 1.20 1.15 1.00 0.55
500 8.00 6.50 6.40 5.20 1.45
Beer and low alcohol drinks 4-7% 100 0.55 0.45 0.40 0.30 0.30
500 4.30 3.45 3.15 2.50 2.30

Accordingly, earlier than alcohol comes out of the body, a blood test should not be taken. Also consider that if you have chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract - feel free to add a coefficient of 1.25.

When can I donate blood after taking alcohol?

The answer to the question when you can donate blood, after taking alcohol is unequivocal - when alcohol comes out of the blood. Tentatively - in a day. But if you are after a good feast or a good evening in a bar, let the body recover within two days.

When can I donate blood after taking alcohol?
When can I donate blood after taking alcohol?

Blood test after taking alcohol: why can not be taken in the morning after the celebration?

When drinking alcohol, the indicators in the blood change, therefore, donate blood after taking alcohol - get incorrect data. Namely:

  • Analyzes will show the low content of red blood cells in the blood;
  • Incorrect display of micro and macro elements in the body;
  • Hemoglobin will be lower than before consumption and after complete cleansing the body of blood;
  • High indicators of cholesterol;
  • Increased indicator of neutral fats, and as a result, incorrect diagnosis of thrombosis, coronary heart disease, renal failure, atherosclerosis and hepatitis;
  • At the moment of alcohol excretion, the synthesis of glucose in the liver slows down from the blood, and gives an incorrect indicator. There were cases when in normal condition the indicators are normal, but against the background of alcohol, the analysis showed the presence of diabetes;
  • An increased indicator of lactic acid, which erroneously diagnoses circulatory disorders and heart failure;
  • Increased uric acid indicator - diagnosis of gout, joint inflammation, the presence of hidden injuries and inflammation;
  • A distorted hormonal background, and, accordingly, will not display any analysis for hormones correctly.

We summarize: if you want to see the correct tests and the current state of health, do not drink alcohol before blood donation.

Blood analysis
Blood analysis

Blood tests, before which alcohol is recommended

Despite the fact that it is not recommended to donate blood after taking alcohol, there are still blood tests, before which doctors recommend drinking a little alcohol. And all because it weakens the immune system of the body and against this background it is easier to identify a number of infections.

So, if you want to get the correct answer when taking tests for a number of sexually transmitted diseases, you should first eat salty, sour and consume a little alcohol.

When you can donate blood after taking alcohol: tips and recommendations

Marina (laboratory assistant): I recommend two days before donating blood to drink alcohol. And if alcohol is a constant companion of your life, then in 3-4 days. It is these indicators that are ideal for the correct display of human condition. Otherwise, the picture is clear - an incorrect diagnostician, and, at best, retake analysis, in the worst - incorrect treatment.

Vladimir (therapist):i say tirelessly - you want to take an analysis, and it doesn’t matter what blood, urine, feces, but at least anything - no alcohol for at least a day, at least a few days. Is it really not the correct diagnosis to refrain a little?

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