What is the shortest day in December 2022 and the shortest night in June 2023: Date

In this article we will talk when in 2022-2023 there will be the shortest night and the shortest day.

Today, you can easily determine with accuracy when in 2022 there will be the shortest day and the shortest night in 2023. This is such an astrological phenomenon, which is still called solstice.

When will be the shortest day in 2022: Date

Traditionally, the shortest day and the shortest night pass on almost the same dates. As a rule, the shortest day is the one that lasts no more than 7 hours. At the same time, the duration of the usual day is 8-12 hours. This phenomenon is called winter solstice.

On this day, the sun is located at the lowest height from the equator. The date is usually floating. Usually it falls on December 20-23.

In 2022, the winter solstice will be held on December 21. The day will last only 7 hours 20 seconds.

However, depending on the clock belt, the date can be shifted for a day.

The sun on this date will rise at 10.00 in the morning Moscow time, and the sunset will begin at 13.00. After this date, the day will begin to increase, by about 3-4 minutes a day, bringing us closer to spring.

When the shortest night in 2023 will be: Date


The shortest day and the shortest night in 2022-2023 fall on dates with a difference of exactly 6 months. However, depending on the clock belt, the date can be shifted for a day.
The shortest night takes place in the summer solstice. On this day, the luminary rises to the highest point above the equator. For some time it remains in this position.

It was during this period that the white nights and the polar day come in the north.

In 2023 - the day of the summer solstice and the phenomenon of white nights can be observed on June 21.

After that, the sun will gradually begin a decrease, and daylight hours will decrease. Every day the night will become 3-4 minutes longer. This will last six months before the winter solstice.

The dates of spring and autumn equinoxes and winter and summer solstices for 2023, 2024, 2025

Video: winter and summer solstice

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