How to draw a drawing on the topic “Winter”, a winter landscape, a winter forest, a city, a winter village, a winter tree, the beauty of Russian, snow winter, a pencil, step -by -step colors for beginners and children: ideas, examples, recommendations of a teacher, drawings for sketching
Wintering long evenings in adults and children have more opportunities for joint pastime. You can use leisure time if you do creativity.
How to draw winter easily and beautifully: a teacher's recommendations
The beauty of a snowy village or city will fully convey a drawing. But the child will be difficult for himself to reproduce the winter tale seen outside the window. Therefore, we suggest you get acquainted with simple drawing techniques that will allow you to independently teach the young artist to transfer the pictures seen outside the window on any topic of interest.
Our article contains many different techniques, thanks to which the usual drawing will look voluminous and colorful, will acquire the desired winter atmosphere.
Having familiarized yourself with our advice, you will teach a little artist to resort to the use of all kinds of additional materials, and not just brushes and colors. You will also get acquainted with the “spraying” technique, which the child will be eager to use when independently drawing. We will use plastic film, salt, air-pussy film and shaving foam. Highlight your free time and plunge together into a fascinating process of drawing!
An example of using a bubble film for winter drawing
So that the process of drawing does not cause difficulties in the baby, be sure to explain all the stages to him. Otherwise, the unsatisfactory result will completely beat off the child’s desire to create with the help of brushes and colors, ordinary colored pencils or felt -tip pens.
Start with simple forms. After the child masters them, proceed to more complicated. Look for such drawings that can be easily transferred to paper, but they are of interest to the young artist: for example, offer to draw not just a snowman, but the character of the cartoon "Cold Heart" of Olaf or another animated hero.
Video: How to draw an Olaf snowman?
How to draw the beauty of winter, beauty winter: Ideas
We draw snow paint. To obtain wonderful air snow paint, mix the following ingredients:
½ part PVA glue
½ part of shaving foam
An example of using volumetric paintSnowman drawn by "snow" paint
Video: Quick drawing (on crumpled paper)
“Snow” paint fits perfectly on paper, and gives the texture and effect of “icy snow layer” depicted objects and surfaces. Train with the baby to draw snowflakes, snowmen, or a snow landscape with the resulting paint. If you more like to look at winter landscapes or postcards shining with different lights, then there are sparkles or glitter to help you (for this you can use your nails).
Bear drawn with volumetric paint
So that the child does not suffer disappointment in the process of drawing textured paint, do not forget to tell him that you need to first indicate the contours with a simple pencil and only then begin to apply the “snow” paint on the sheet. After solidifying the paint, a real “ice” surface on paper is obtained.
Video: 15 simple, but funny tricks for drawing at Christmas
How to draw a beautiful winter landscape with paints: instructions, ideas
A beautiful winter landscape will turn out when using ordinary isolets. This method is suitable for creating applications from island with subsequent painting. After completely drying out the colorful layer of island, it is carefully removed from a sheet of paper. This non -traditional technique allows you to draw abstract paintings.
Important: if you are going to use the island in working with paper, then you need to opt for tight glossy paper. In the future, pieces of islands can easily be separated from paper without damaging its surface.
We glue the island along the edges of the sheet to get a kind of frame. We cut out the strips necessary for the drawing from the island, giving them the appearance of trunks and branches of different trees. We have everything on a sheet of paper. We look at whether the result is satisfied. If not, we continue to select the right position for each element.
If everything suits, glue the cut elements on the paper. Cut and glue the moon.
We proceed to applying a colorful layer. We dilute the blue paint with water until the desired shade is obtained and pass with a damp brush with paint on the surface of the paper. Until the paint has dried up, we sprinkle a little bit of salt to obtain interesting patterns (on glossy paper, such patterns are especially spectacular).
You can apply another layer of blue paint on top of a dried layer, dripping it a little. When the colorful layer dries, shake off salt from paper and remove the tape.
Again, prepare a solution of blue paint. Now we need a very bright shade-pale blue. We type paint on the brush and walk along the trunks of trees and branches, paint the transverse stripes on the trunks of trees.
Next, we need white paint and cotton sticks. We draw falling snow.
Landscape painted using island
Video: We draw with tape!
Video: Non -traditional drawing techniques
How beautiful to draw a city in winter: Ideas
To facilitate the drawing process, invite the child to use a stencil. The result of the use of several stencils can simultaneously be unexpected and original pictures. The area closed by the stencil can be painted over or left not completely painted, slightly spraying the colors of the contrasting color. Another option: apply a layer of bright paint. While moisture from the surface of the picture has not evaporated, sprinkle with salt. When the colorful layer dries, remove the salt. It will turn out interesting figured stains.
Drawing using the technique of "spraying" paint
In the technique of "spraying" you can depict a whole town. Let us consider this method in more detail.
Stage 1:
At the first stage, we will need tape, island or self -adhesive. Check first whether the material you have chosen is easy to separate (dense glossy paper is suitable). We cut out the houses from self -adhesive material and place them on a sheet of thick blue paper according to the idea.
Stage 2:
We spray with white paint the entire sheet of paper. We use for this the old toothbrush, comb. The paint is applied with a brush on a toothbrush, after which a trial spraying of drops of paint on the draft is done (this is necessary so that the drops of the paint do not turn out too thick).
Next, spray small drops above a sheet of paper with glued houses (or other figures). After completely drying out the colorful layer, remove adhesive tape or self -adhesive.
Winter pattern using isolation
A similar technique is used when drawing using a stencil. This method is more advisable to use if tape is difficult to separate from paper.
Important: you can draw beautiful frosty patterns by applying the technique of impressions of a colorful layer on paper. The paint is applied to the openwork napkin. The napkin is applied to the paper and the “magic” is obtained. You can also spray the paint through the napkin on a sheet of paper with a balonchik.
Using a patch of a napkin
Video: How to draw a winter forest - drawing lesson for children from 5 years old
Today I will draw a snowy winter like this: ideas
A winter landscape can be drawn using wax.
For work, you will need an ordinary white candle.
We draw a winter landscape with a candle, and then apply dark paint on a sheet. The picture drawn by a candle will appear right before our eyes!
An example of images made using a wax candle
Video: Winter pattern with children with glue and semolina
Draw a village in winter: ideas, examples
We draw such a winter landscape. You might think that a child cannot be mastered in a similar drawing, but this is not so. Following our detailed descriptions of each process, the little artist draws independently beautiful winter landscape! Go!
Winter landscape
Pre -marking, indicating the boundaries of the picture and outlining the main objects. We plan the contours of the trees with light lines. Approximately on the lower half of the sheet, we plan the contours of the bridge and depict the shores on both sides with curved lines.
We plan the contours of the trees
On the right we draw the contours of the house. Behind the house we draw Christmas trees, and along the horizon line - snowy mountains.
We plan the contours of the bridgeWe draw a house
Detail the drawing: add ice islands on the river, draw bricks on the surface of the bridge. We decorate the drawing, checking with the original.
Video: How to draw a winter landscape with houses?
How to draw a winter-winter pencil: step-by-step instructions
Draw the horizon line. We depict a path curved with curved lines.
We draw a house. Add the details: with stripes on the walls of the house we depict the surface of the logs, and with crooked lines - humps of snow on the ground.
Let's draw clouds, Christmas trees. Detail the drawing by adding the falling snow.
How to draw a winter landscape with children
How to draw a tree in winter in the snow: Ideas
You can draw unusually beautiful winter trees using cabbage sheets! Ordinary white cabbage will not suit us. We need Peking cabbage sheets. We cover them with white gouache and apply them to the paper on which the winter landscape on a color background is already drawn. Such a picture looks very impressive!
Trees drawn in non -traditional technique
If you did not have Beijing cabbage at home, and the child asks to help draw a snowy tree, then take any leaves on which the veins are clearly expressed. But do not leave the child alone during drawing, so that he does not have a temptation to taste the leaflet (after all, the juice of some plants can be poisonous!).
How to draw beautiful forests in winter: Ideas
From the video below, you will learn how to draw a beautiful winter forest.
Video: Winter landscape phased
Video: We draw the night winter Christmas landscape
How to draw mountain ash: ideas, examples
To begin with, we plan the original contour of the branch of mountain ash and clusters with berries. Please note that the berries are now not necessary to draw. We depict a bunch in the form of an elongated oval. We denote the direction of the branches, the size of the leaves.
We go to the details. We will not depict a kind of a cirrus sheet. We draw berries inside the designated contour-grozd. We portray the berries with small circles. In order not to violate the proportions and not to stain the drawing with unnecessary details, we draw the elements themselves, but pay attention to the whole composition. We begin to decorate. We use felt -tip pens for this. We apply green on the leaves, stain the more lit areas with a white gel pen and apply hatching to show that the leaves have veins.
We proceed to decorating the berries. We apply several layers of pale orange. After that, we decorate the berries with red and highlight the areas that are in the shade, burgundy-brown.
Add glare with a white gel pen. Black handle we include contours in some places. We outline the original contoursDraw berries and leaves in more detail
We decorate the mountain ash with red felt -tip pens, and the leaves are green
Video: How to draw winter with gouache?
Video: Watercolor "Rowal under the snow"
How to draw a house in winter: ideas, examples
Funned houses with friendly burning windows surrounded by white cones of fir trees symbolize home comfort. Therefore, the drawings that depict houses are so popular on the eve of the New Year holidays. Invite your child to draw a landscape with a house.
Help him correctly place the main objects on the sheet. You yourself will be convinced that every child knows how to draw. It is only necessary to help him and explain some points: how to draw a square, how to add a wall to the square, how to draw a roof of the house from different angles.
House in the forest: examples of drawingsHow to draw a snowy house
How to draw a snowy house in the mountains?
Draw the roof of the house, ate and mountains in the backgroundWe give the volume drawn on the landscape objects using bar lines
Video: We draw the New Year's card "House in the Winter Forest"
Video: How to draw winter with gouache?
How to draw bullfinches on a branch in winter: ideas, examples
How easy it is to draw a bullfinchHow to schematically draw bullfinch
Drawings of bullfinches for sketching:
Bullfight on a branch drawn with watercolorsBullfill on a branch
From the videos below, you will learn how to draw bullfinches on a branch.
Video: Bullfinchi gouache!
Video: How to draw a bullfinch?
Video: How to draw bullfinches?
How to draw a Christmas tree in winter: ideas, examples
How to draw a schematically Christmas treeHow to draw a Christmas tree with colored pencilsHow to draw a Christmas tree with New Year's toys
Video: How to draw a Christmas tree? Drawing for children +3
Video: How to draw a Christmas tree?
Video: How easy to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil?
Video: How to draw a Christmas tree?
How to draw children in winter: ideas, examples
Children sculpt a snowman: drawing for sketchingChildren in winter: drawing for sketchingDrawings for sketching children
Video: Winter games - drawing lesson for children from 4 years old
Drawings on the topic "Winter" for children for sketching
House in the forest: drawing for sketchingHouse in the forest: drawing for sketchingSanta Claus: drawing for sketchingChristmas balls: drawings for sketchingCups: drawings for sketchingNew Year's wreath: drawings for sketchingDwarf: drawings for sketchingGingerbread men: drawings for sketchingLights: drawings for sketchingPoinsettia: drawings for sketchingMittens: drawings for sketchingCones: drawings for sketchingGifts: drawings for sketchingSnowmen: drawings for sketchingSanta Claus: drawings for sketchingWinter birds: drawings for sketchingAngels: drawings for sketching