Folk signs about itching ears.
- Why ears itch: signs
- The left ear scratches:
- Why are your ears itch at night?
- Ears itch: Sign by day
- The right ear is itching: a sign in men
- Why is the left ear itch: signs for women and men
- The right ear is itching inside: sign
- What it scratches inside, outside the ear: signs
- What is the right ear itch in the morning?
- The right ear scratches: the sign on the days of the week
- Why are both ears itch?
- Itching in the ears: Reasons
- Video: Ears itch: signs
Our ancestors gathered interesting signs for centuries, listening to their own body. We use their heritage, and we can predict some events on the changes that occur with our body. In this article we will tell you what the ears are itching for.
Why ears itch: signs
Almost all signs about the ears are associated with discussion or conversations. After all, ears are a way to transfer information to the human brain.
Why ears itch, signs:
- If itching is observed in this area, this suggests that soon you will hear the news.
- They will be pleasant or not, depends on which side the itching is observed.
- The left side has always been considered a harbinger of failures, or unfulfilled plans.
- The right side is bright, and portends pleasant meetings, financial well -being.

The left ear scratches:
If the left ear scratches, one of your enemies or ill-wishers dissolves rumors and gossip. Most of the bad news and gossip is said quietly and in the ear, so such a sign arose relative to the left ear.
The left ear scratches, the sign:
- It is believed that itching in this zone often portends trouble and bad news. Get ready to listen to yourself not the most pleasant news. Someone from colleagues, or neighbors discuss your strange habits.
- It is worth paying attention to the specific zone in which itching is observed.
- She can touch your loved ones, friends or households. Perhaps someone is discussing your child. Wait for troubles from your child's friends. Perhaps the parents of a friend will come to you to understand.

Why are your ears itch at night?
However, if the ear itches in the evening or at night, expect bad incidents and news.
Why are the ears itch at night:
- Are you planning a serious event, and the left ear itchs the day before at night?
- Try to cancel the meeting, or transfer the next day.
- Perhaps itching in the ear warns of troubles.
- Itching of the right ear in the evening portends pleasant meetings, dates. It can be a love relationship or just gatherings with friends.
- Itching at night portends conflicts with the family. Perhaps your loved ones lack communication. After all, it is because of the deficit of communication that most quarrels arise.

Ears itch: Sign by day
To correctly interpret signs, you must remember what day the ear itches.
Ears itch, sign on the days:
- It is believed that the itching of the left ear is observed in MondayWait for important news. During this period, your fate and life are decided. Perhaps they will increase the career ladder, or vice versa, get a lot of troubles and problems from colleagues. One of the employees He wants to take your place in the work team.
- If itching is observed in tuesdayExpect a date with your loved one. Tuesday is responsible for love and cardiac deeds, so he portends romantic dates. Control your conversations, and in no case do not overdo it with alcohol. During this period, there is a high risk of saying something superfluous to your partner, which will lead to a quarrel or even parting. Do not cancel dates, or romantic walks with your chosen one.
- Itching in the left ear in wednesday He talks about the end of an important business that you started a very long time, but your hands did not reach it. It is on Wednesday that you can finish the long -starting affairs, and bring to life the most daring ideas.
- Itching in the left ear in thursday It promises a vacation in the company of noisy friends. Tune in to a pleasant pastime, do not abuse alcohol. This can lead to a quarrel and showdowns even with old friends.
- Itching in the left ear in friday portends a date, or a meeting with a person who is able to change your life. We can assume that this meeting will become fateful, will change your worldview, as well as plans for the future.
- If itching in the left ear is observed in saturdayu, expect bad news. If on this day someone asks you money, do not give, because you can’t return it.
- AT sunday Wait for pleasant news, and mental pastime with a family or good acquaintances. However, itching on the left side in the auricle can promise quarrels with households. Try to control your emotions, and not enter into conflict.
If itching appears in the afternoon, wait for punishment, or reprimand. Try not to be late home if you promised to return on time.

The right ear is itching: a sign in men
Ears are burning, itching not only in women, but also men, however, they do not always pay attention to signs.
The right ear is itchy, the sign in men:
- Itching portends good news, and profit in the business area. Expect a pleasant news, and raising the service ladder. If a man is aged, then itching in the ear is the need to control his words.
- You run the risk of saying something superfluous, and offending your interlocutor, which will negatively affect the relationship. A careless statement will lead to negative consequences that can affect career and work.

Why is the left ear itch: signs for women and men
As indicated above, the left side is responsible for the connection with the other world, and promises trouble. Accordingly, the right ear speaks of good, and is connected with good forces. Itching of the right ear promises good news, and pleasant acquaintances.
Why is the left ear itch, signs for women and men:
- Itching in the left ear in a man promises a large scandal. Perhaps the young man will be forced to deal with his friends, or long -standing enemies. Unexpected skirmishes on the street are possible. Try not to walk alone along the dark streets.
- Itching in the left ear in a woman promises a pleasant pastime and date. This sign is relevant for a young woman who is in search of a chosen one.

The right ear is itching inside: sign
If you quarrel with colleagues, and the right of the right ear was scratched the day before, defend your position. Soon you can improve the financial situation, and it is good to establish yourself at work.
The right ear is itching inside, the sign:
- If the right ear itches inside, this indicates pleasant news that will lead to success.
- To get all the benefits, you need to decide on a serious conversation.
- If you overpower yourself, you can talk heart to heart, you will receive a reward.

What it scratches inside, outside the ear: signs
If itching is observed on the right side of the young girl, perhaps the guy will soon make her an offer. If the earlobe scratches, this indicates the replenishment of the family, promises a pleasant pastime with friends, acquaintances.
What it scratches inside, outside the ear, signs:
- If the right ear itches outside, wait for serious news that can become sensational and turning point. Perhaps this promises a move, a change of work, and a trip to a foreign country.
- Itching in the earlobe zone can be connected with conversations. This is a discussion of colleagues in a positive way, expect promotion on a career ladder.
- If the left ear is itching inside, one of the acquaintances dissolves gossip about you. If outside, this means that you will soon hear the bad news.
- The outer part of the auricle is mainly itching for large expenses. However, you should not be upset, because the unplanned devastation of the budget will soon be replenished again. You can easily earn money that you spend.
- The outer part of the left ear can scratch to quarrels with loved ones. Prepare adequately respond to criticism, and in no case use assault. Serious disagreements will take place with relatives, which will lead to a complete breakdown of relations and the termination of communication.
- Try to be balanced, and not scandalize the trifles. The quarrel will significantly affect your well -being, so do not strive to aggressively respond to lunges from relatives. Try to settle the conflict peacefully, since it will not bring anything good.
What is the right ear itch in the morning?
If your ear is itching in the morning, wait for news related to financial issues.
What is the right ear itching in the morning:
- An important detail is the time in which itching is observed in the area of \u200b\u200bthe ear shells. Early in the morning and before lunch, this promises pleasant news, as well as events. It will be successful to settle all the problems. You can get out with the least losses from conflict situations.
- The interpretation will take a different, depending on the gender of a person and his age. If this is a young girl, then itching in the left ear in the morning speaks of gifts, and pleasant presentations. Perhaps the young man will give you a bouquet of flowers, or chocolate.
If itching is observed during the day, it is worth waiting for unexpected financial expenses. Do not rush to spend money on stupidity, in the future they may be needed for a serious business. If itching is observed after lunch, wait for the call of friends and acquaintances. Perhaps one of the old friends will invite for lunch. It could be a meeting of classmates.

The right ear scratches: the sign on the days of the week
Pay attention to the day of the week when the ear itchs.
The right ear is scratching, the sign on the days of the week:
- If itching is observed on Monday evening, wait for global changes. You will find a change of work, or marriage.
- Itching on Tuesday turns a business meeting. Soon, a business partner can offer a new job or a profitable deal. Do not refuse her.
- On Wednesday, you need to try to talk less, and do not dissolve gossip. Rightness is a good feature, but on Wednesday it is better to keep silent and refrain from criticism. Especially if it is directed towards the leadership.
- On Thursday, expect a meeting with friends and relatives. You can make an interesting offer that concerns the work.
- On Friday, prepare for a romantic meeting. Itching on Friday says that you talk too much, which can cause troubles, problems, and showdowns.
- Unexpected expenses are waiting on Saturday. Try not to go out once again toto refrain From the acquisition of unnecessary things.
- Itching on Sunday says that you are lucky. Perhaps the unexpected replenishment of the family budget. You can win the lottery, or get an inheritance.
If the itching does not stop for a long time, you must consult a doctor. Perhaps the reason lies not at all in signs, but in a serious ailment.

Why are both ears itch?
Most often, itching is observed in only one area, but it happens that both ears itch.
What both ears itch for:
- This portends spontaneous disasters, a sharp change in the weather. If you plan a vacation to hot countries, it may be spoiled due to weather conditions. Itching may portend changes, trips, business trips, and disorders.
- For women, this promises unforeseen expenses, and men, unpleasant conversations. If it scratches, then the right, then the left earlobe, be careful, someone discusses you, washing the bones, but in a good way.
- To avoid bad news, it is necessary to pull twice at the earlobe of each ear. This neutralizes signs, and will allow you to go on vacation without adventure.

Itching in the ears: Reasons
It is not worth relying on signs all the time, since itching in the ears can talk about serious ailments. If the ears itch periodically, you should not worry. However, if the itching is constant, consult a doctor. This may indicate ailments.
Causes in the ears, reasons:
- Diabetes
- Disorders in the work of the nervous system
- Damage inside the ear
- Irritation
- Closing sulfur plugs
- Moisture in the ears
- Foreign body
- Insect
- Allergicreactions
Please note if itching is observed outside, this most often indicates allergic reactions or fungus. If frequent itching of earlobes is observed, this happens due to unprofessional punctures. If not so long ago they did the piercing, the infection perhaps penetrated. Do not forget to treat the place of puncture with alcohol or wash with household soap.
Itching in the oral region can occur due to infectious ailments. This often happens after a puncture and suggests that an infection fell into the wound. Itching may indicate an allergic reaction to metal. Not everyone is suitable for surgical steel, gold or silver. Some people have allergic reactions to specific metals. Therefore, carefully purchase accessories for the ears.