They are edible mushrooms or not, a photo of the sunshots and their species. What mushrooms can you confuse your sweets with?

Spring crop crop

Mushrooms Smors are danger or delicacy? How to distinguish grogs from other mushrooms and with which mushrooms they cannot be confused? Types and photos

Currently in the Russian scientific literature mushrooms of Smors are like edible. And it is believed that the main difficulty is to distinguish the sweets of edible and inedible mushrooms. But it must be said that until recently, the lines were also considered edible, and now their danger has been proven, and every year information appears in Europe about cases of fatal poisoning with this mushroom.

In this article, you will find information on how to distinguish mushrooms of sweets and lines, a photo in general and cut the form of both types of mushrooms. You will find out how to cook sweets in order to enjoy their delicious taste, and how to protect yourself from poisoning, which is possible if you confuse your sweets with lines.

Smore mushrooms - photos and comparison with other mushrooms

In biological atlases, you will be able to find as many as three types of mushrooms of sweets, and the photo will help to understand how they look and how they differ from each other. Russian literature classifies all three types of Smorchs to edible mushrooms.

Three types of sweets:

  • S interest hat.
  • The tough is conical.
  • Smore is real.
Spring crop crop
Spring crop crop

S interest hat Of these three types of mushrooms, the most dangerous. No, it is not poisonous, but it is easiest to confuse with an ordinary line, which is considered the most poisonous of these similar mushrooms. Therefore, the curious hat must be scattered for safety purposes, why so, we will tell you below.

S interest cap photo
S interest cap photo

Unlike ordinary smors, in which the upper part and leg is a single whole, in s interest cap The hat on the leg hangs freely. It can be torn with your hands. This hat is wrinkled, rough and velvety. As you can see in the photo, the mushroom is a smile hat looks like an ordinary line. That is why some authors attribute this mushroom to only conditionally edible.

Interestingly, four groups are usually distinguished in the classification of mushrooms, this is:

  1. Poisonous mushrooms.
  2. Inedible mushrooms.
  3. Conditionally edible mushrooms.
  4. Edible mushrooms.

Mushroom Smork hat

It is important to remember how the suck hat looks like, and the photo below will help to consider this mushroom better.

Mushroom Smork hat
Mushroom Smork hat
  • The diameter of the mushroom hat is up to 3 cm.
  • The leg of the Smork hat is long, usually 10-15 cm.
  • The leg of the mushroom expands slightly downwards.
  • In Smork cap, the leg is necessarily covered with browned grains.

Such as in the photo above, the wrinkles growing nearby are sometimes found. But more often, mushrooms grow one at a short distance from each other. Therefore, if you found one mushroom, then it makes sense to look for other sunshine hats within a radius of several meters. It is very difficult to notice a wrinkle hat, Usually her elite only peeps a little from last year's faded foliage. If you rake the foliage, you will find that the leg of the mushroom is quite long.

Smors and lines - photo and comparison

It is said that the lines containing girometrin are difficult to confuse with each other. But in reality, they differ only in the length of the legs, the color of the hat and shape. And these, as you know, are very subjective signs.

Poisonous lines resemble animal litter
Poisonous lines resemble animal litter

Mushrooms Smors and lines - photos for comparison:

In the next photo, mushroom mushroom is a smile hat, which is considered edible and even delicious. You may notice that the young mushroom in the leg has contents resembling cotton wool.

S interest cap in the context
S interest cap in the context

It is believed that in poisonous lines, the leg should be tightly filled. However, in practice this is not always the case. For example, in the photo below the line in the leg has cavities.

Poisonous line
Poisonous line

Some say that the line is not so poisonous, and they repeatedly cooked and ate these mushrooms, and remained alive. Others say that these mushrooms are mortally dangerous and the giromitrin poison contained in them is able to lead to death. And if it does not lead to death, then it harms and accumulates in the body. Where is the truth?

This is what more or less official sources say about this: in the book "Mushrooms. Atlas-discharge ", 2012, dangerous lines are described as follows:

Poison in lines
Poison in lines

The author of the book Tatyana Ilyina is an associate professor of the Department of Biology of Moscow State University and candidate of biological sciences. Further in the text, the author says that it is dangerous to eat lines for food:

Gromometrin in lines
Gromometrin in lines

Below is another photo of the lines that are not advised to eat.

Dangerous line in the context
Dangerous line in the context

Smors are poisonous mushrooms or not?

Some people fall into another extreme, and begin to say that not only lines, but also grogs are poisonous. That they are eaten only in Russia, and they are completely banned in Europe. However, this information is greater than the truth.

For example, according to the classification Norwegian Association of Mushrooms The lines are poisonous, and the grogs are edible.

The only thing on their site was only possible to find information about the toughs of ordinary and toughs of conical ones, and not the words about the Smorchy cap. Perhaps this mushroom is not common in their region.

The description says that the grins are edible, but there is a reservation about the insignificant consequences for health after their use.

Norwegian Association for Growing Mushrooms: Cases of mild food poisoning were recorded, after drinking heat -treated sucks.

The mushroom is real

A real Smore is difficult to confuse with a range and other mushrooms. They are hollow inside and if you cut the mushrooms in half, the photos conveys the photo, then how large the cavity is inside the mushroom.

Mushroom Smore photo
Mushrooms Smors are photo
  • In Smorshki, the hat fuses with the leg, and the leg is very fragile.
  • The leg is short, 3-7 cm long, and has a lighter color than a hat.
  • The width of the leg is 2-3 cm.
  • Smorac edible mushroom with a pronounced mushroom taste.
Smors in the spring
Smors in the spring

The mushroom is conical

Conic Smore An edible mushroom, which is very similar to an ordinary grip and is his close relative. Both types of mushrooms appear only for a short time in the middle of spring. The conical Smore is hollow inside, and its hat somewhat reminiscent of bee honeycombs. The edges of the hat are fused with a leg.

Conic Smore photo
Connicated grogs photo

These mushrooms are very beautiful. They seemed to be in our world from some kind of fairy tale, where there is witchcraft and magic. Mysterious surroundings are added by the fact that they can grow in a completely unexpected place, for example, in a garden under an old tree, and then also unexpectedly disappear.

Smors and primroses
Smors and primroses

You will find out in more detail about how to distinguish between mushrooms, lines and giant lines, watching the video.

Note! Unlike the authors of the next video, we do not recommend that you have giant lines. It is better even not to collect them or put them in one basket with other mushrooms, because the poison of giromitrin is flying. In Russian reference books, and according to the classification of many states, these mushrooms are now classified as poisonous. Although many really eat them.

Video: Smorshok and S interest hat: Differences

Video: Dangerous lines: giant and ordinary

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