Whether the clock for a man is given to a man as a gift: signs. How to give a watch for a man for a birthday: Recommendations

How to give a watch for a man for a birthday.

Watch- this is A item that is very popular, despite the appearance of new, fashionable gadgets. Now each person has a smartphone or a mobile phone, a tablet on which you can freely see the time. However, still among business people, the chronometers that are on their hands are still quite popular. In this article we will tell you whether it is possible to give hours to men. 

Watch as a gift to a man: can you give?

A lot of legends, stories, fables are connected with the chronometer. Since ancient times, it was believed that something witchcraft and magical has been connected with the watch. Such a belief came from the fact that ordinary people in those days were quite illiterate, and for them it was real savagery making a watch, as this is a rather complex mechanism.

Legends about watches:

  1. In addition, they believed that it was quite difficult to measure what is not visible. That is why the watch often took for some magical attribute. Until a certain time, they were not even kept at home, as they were afraid to get into themselves and their family trouble. However, after the 19th century, everything changed. The clock became a constant attribute, and after the First World War, men began to constantly wear these accessories in their hands, despite the fact that they had previously stored in their pockets, on a chain attached to the belt.
  2. Now the clock is an excellent gift that emphasize the status of a man and indicates his financial capabilities. Most likely, this is more a product to confirm the status than for measuring time. If your man belongs to business, works in the office and wears business suits, then the clock will only complement the entire ensemble, and make it confident.
  3. However, what to do with superstitions?The negative influence of the clock that is presented as a gift is associated with several legends. The first came to us from China. It is believed that hieroglyphs that denote the words of death, as well as the clock are very similar. That is why the measures of time associate with death and end of life. According to this note, the clock in China will never be given anyone because of fear of getting into trouble on a person, and provoking a serious illness, which will lead to death.
  4. In addition to this, there is another legend. According to popular signs, it is impossible to give sharp objects, because it can cut friendship, love and good relations. At the same time, mechanical watches with arrows have sharp endings, so the hands of the watch are associated with knives, needles or cutting objects. That is why they are never given by those who believe in superstition. In fact, confirmation that watch as a gift to a man they can somehow influence a person’s life, no. Folk healers, as well as people who believe in magic, believe that if the given watch stops, your friendship will stop. 

Why can't you give a watch to a man?

The reasons why  you can not give a watch to a man:

  • Many believe that the clock should not be given if you are in love with a young man, and want him only prosperity. It is assumed that chronometers can become an obstacle to obtaining a good position and will impede luck.
  • The young man will not achieve success in business, as well as in business. Therefore, try not to give a clock, especially if your young man is superstitious.However, if you have close relationships, and it goes to the wedding, it is believed that the relationship will break at the moment when the chronometer arrows stop walking.
  • Other esoterics believe that there is no need to wait for the chronometer to stop walking.Even if the accessory is quite of high quality, and will work for many years in a row, this will still lead to collapse in family relationships, and people will lose each other.

How to give a watch for a man for a birthday?

But there are options in which you can level the action of these signs. After all, nothing is said about the watches purchased. That is, chronometers can be bought, while a person will not receive any misfortune. Accordingly, in order to smooth out the actions of such signs, you can give the birthday a gift, but at the same time ask for a purely symbolic amount. Let the young man give you several coins or small bills. 


  • Before asgive a birthday watch, very subtly and unobtrusively ask how a person relates for example, and whether he believes in them in relation to the clock. If you really, the young man is superstitious, then it is best to present something else.
  • If a man is absolutely indifferent to signs, and considers them fiction and stupidity, you can safely give such a gift. If you yourself are quite superstitious, then you can ask for several coins in return.
  • Try to choose a watch that emphasizes the status of a man, and favorably complement his style. Therefore, if this is an athlete, then it is best to handle strict -resistant and waterproof accessories. They will become an excellent gift and will allow the young man to play sports, as well as swim in the pool without removing chronometers.
  • If the young man works in the office, or is somehow connected with the business,that, of course, the ideal option is not an electronic chronometer, the mechanical watches, the details of which are made of gilding. This is a fairly expensive, stylish and high -quality gift, which, despite signs, will delight your boyfriend. 

Despite the folk signs, the clock is a great gift, and will be able to emphasizestatus your man. Therefore, do not refuse to present such an accessory. 

Video: watch as a gift

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