What does the saying “Word - silver, silence - gold” mean?

Proverbs and sayings are the spiritual heritage that we got from our distant ancestors, and they can rightfully be compared with gold ingots. Both that and the other is very valuable, however, gold has its own material value, but folk wisdom is truly priceless.

In this article, we will consider the meaning and origin of the proverb “Word - silver, silence - gold”.

What is the meaning of the proverb “Word - silver, silence - gold”?

  • What does it mean "Word - silver, silence - gold" - Smell, and you will not subsequently regret your words. At first, think carefully, is it worth pronouncing a phrase - what if she inadvertently offends a person? And then the consequences of your words will be truly unpredictable.
  • Sometimes their own rash words You can accidentally open the "box of the pandora" from which all sorts of troubles. This saying, as it were, urges all of us first to think, and only then speak out.
  • He advises, talk less, listen to what others say and advise. Perhaps they are more wise or experienced than you, and it is from them that the knowledge that will be useful in your life can be gleaned.

A similar proverb: "The word is not a sparrow, it will fly out - you will not catch."

This saying has analogues in almost all nationalities - apparently, there are talkers all over the world.

The origin of the saying "Word - silver, silence - gold"

Many do not think about what the difference between proverbs and sayings consists in. If a whole sentence, a complete thought is quoted, then this expression is called a proverb. In the case, if only a brightly colored phrase is used from a whole proverb, then this is already a saying.

  • This is exactly what happened with the phraseology "Word - silver, silence - gold." Initial phrase, i.e. The proverb was: "The word is silver, and the silence is gold, if the forehead is copper." Whom did our ancestors mean by "copper forehead"? A man stubborn, near, ignorant.
Often silence is more expensive than words
  • This means that this proverb called to keep silent exactly such people, and not everyone in a row. But over time, a phrase regarding the “copper forehead” was pulled out of a whole sentence, and in the new context it acquired a completely different meaning. Less say, listen more - now it advises the saying to absolutely all of us.

But, if suddenly everything follow this advice, then who will say in this case? And, in fact, silver is also a precious metal, right? So, tell yourself as much as you like, but at first, think about your own words-for your own good.

We will also talk about proverbs:

Video: proverbs and sayings

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